Dawn Wolf

Dawn Wolf

Princess Izta

So I was at Disneyland and the topic of Disney princesses came up – which is to be expected since you can’t turn a corner without seeing a Disney princess. But we always end up in the discussion of how…


I am a Doctor Who fan. I can’t fully say who is my favorite, but this doctor is probably the closest because I enjoyed his story a lot. Medium: Bristol board, Pen & Copic Markers.

Mattel Main Event

Sometimes I go to friends for ideas. I asked if I should draw She-Ra or Rainbow Brite and one of my friends suggested that I draw both in a mud fight. And so this drawing was born. Medium: Bristol Board,…

Blazing Suns

I drew this at Emerald City Comic Con 2012. I started it on Friday and finished it on Saturday evening. I caught a really bad cold right before the convention and it lasted through some of the con. This means…


I was asked to do a series of 2.5″ x 3.5″ sketchcards for Upperdeck for their Avengers card series. This was one of the few that I drew for them.

Disara on the Comm

Some of you have seen my previous fan art for Star Wars the Old Republic called Disara the Scoundrel. This is another sketch idea that I did of my smuggler character, Captain Disara. I play on an RP server and…

Disara the Scoundrel

So I’ve been playing Disara on Star Wars: The Old Republic and I decided to draw her. As usual she’s drinking some weird/unknown alcoholic drink and probably saying something like “Hey! Watch me shoot this bottle off of this Gungan’s…

Music Lessons

When ever I play an MMO, I tend to always make one character, and that character is Disara. I like to roleplay out my characters and usually play on an RP server. And if you’ve ever been on an RP…

San Diego Comic Con Recap

This year was a lot of fun. I’ve been going for years, but it was a whole new experience being a part of the convention by hosting a booth rather than just being an attendee. I got to meet a…

The Operator – unfinished

From time to time I will have stories that pop into my head. My talent isn’t in writing and is why Clint is the writer for the comic Zombie Ranch and I just draw it. But that doesn’t stop me…


This is part of a challenge, you’re given something and are to create something from the challenge you are given. The challenge was to draw something from this character description: This girl makes you think of a dangerous weapon. Her…

The Model

I am a big H.P. Lovecraft fan and one of my favorite stories is Pickman’s Model. I’ve always wanted to draw something inspired by Pickman’s model, but not draw the model like so many others have drawn. My favorite part…

The Whispers

I tend to do a lot of traditional mediums when San Diego Comic Con rolls around since I’m usually in the Art Show. And they tend to prefer traditional mediums over digital.

San Diego Comic Con

As I’ve been ecstatically announcing for months now, this year I will be hosting a table in the Small Press area of this year’s San Diego Comic Con! Yup, I’m still glowing over that fact and still dance a little…