Category Blog

Infected by Art update

Riddles & Truths artwork

So there have been some changes with the Infected by Art contest. They have altered the look of their website They have extended the voting deadline to December 1st There will not be a book at this year’s Long Beach…

My attempt at animation

I Draw

I’ve loved cartoons and Japanese animation for most of my life, but never felt the itch to become an animator like some people do. I always loved comics and loved the idea of telling a story in still images. But…

Made for a man but played by a woman

I have always been a tomboy and loved movies, comics, or books that were never really aimed for my gender. If there was ever a female character in these works, she was usually “girly” in some sense or was little…

Checking out Scare LA

Over the weekend I decided to check out Scare LA and was pleasantly surprised. Most first year conventions feel and look like an indoor swap meet where tables are spread about and you hear that muted hollow echo of people…

Vote for Monsters! Vote for my art!

Normally I announce once that I have artwork in a contest and requests votes. But according to some friends, the proper way to get higher votes is to keep announcing it. I worry that it’s annoying to those following me,…

Riddles & Truths

Riddles & Truths artwork

“I’m not afraid of you,” said the girl. “And why should you be, child?” it replied. “Is it not said that it is the beautiful which is also most terrible? There are no such worries with me, for beauty is…

A Matter of Time

So a friend gave me her copies of Sailor Moon a few months back. I’ve read the manga back in Jr. High, but had forgotten how Sailor Pluto threatened to kill Sailor Moon. This got me to thinking of how…

A Matter of Time

So a friend gave me her copies of Sailor Moon a few months back. I’ve read the manga back in Jr. High, but had forgotten how Sailor Pluto threatened to kill Sailor Moon. This got me to thinking of how…

Artist Awkwardness

deviantART created a poll where they asked Have you attended a comic or art-related convention or gallery this year? (If yes, tell us about your experience!) and I saw this one comment. I would go to these if people were…

The Outsider

This was a lot of fun to draw. But I always love drawing a mess of tentacles and random oddities. I started out wanting to draw a Cthulhu inspired monster and ended up making something that looked more like a…

Thief Panel

I’m a huge fan of the Thief games and have always liked Garrett a little more than the Assassins Creed characters. Today I got to attend the Thief panel where they talked about the features and what to expect in…

Madame Moth

I always wanted to do a moth inspired piece of artwork. And here is the result of that. I found a type of red moth when searching google images, so I decided to use it to help in picking colors…

Godzilla Encounter

One event caught my eye at San Diego Comic Con, the Godzilla Encounter. Now I’ve been a fan of Godzilla since I was a kid and just had to check this out. This event is to help promote the 2014…

Artwork in the SDCC Art Show

It is done! My artwork is up in the San Diego Comic Con’s Art Show that is located up on the Sails Pavilion. If you happen to be at SDCC, you can find my art in section H1 & H2.…

Getting ready for the SDCC Art Show

San Diego Comic Con is just around the corner and once again I will be displaying and selling my artwork in their Art Show that is located in the Sails Pavilion upstairs at the Convention Center. I reserved two panels…

Young Pilots

I wanted to draw Han Solo and Chewbacca in the same style as “Sad Astronaut Boy” and this was the result. Once again it started as a sketch card at a comic convention that got so much positive response that…

Etsy Store

So we have finally decided to start up an Etsy store under the name Lab Reject Studios. We decided to make Lab Reject Studios the store rather than Art of Dawn because we wanted to combine Zombie Ranch, Art of…

Should I Start an Etsy Store?

In the past it has been suggested that I should sell my artwork on Etsy, but I never thought that art prints did very well on Etsy. Now I’m wondering if things have changed? Are people buying more artwork through…

Barbarian Woman

Barbarian Woman

I decided to try out some brushes in Adobe Photoshop and this was the result. I started out wanting to draw Red Sonja, but ended up making a much more generic barbarian fighter instead. I’ve done a lot of harsh…

New Sketch Cards

So I have some time to update the artwork on my website, so expect some notices about artwork updates. Today I’ve added some sketch cards to the gallery.

Review: Little Windows

Over the weekend I attempted to make resin jewelry using my artwork and the Little Windows kit I ordered. The instructions were easy to follow and I had some successes and some failures when I went a bit more experimental…

Review: Little Windows – Order

So I decided that I want to try making resin jewelry with my artwork. The only type of jewelry I’ve ever made with resin was where you took a bottle cap, put a photo on the bottom and poured the…

Green Lizard

I drew this for a contest a few months ago. I didn’t win, but I am happy that it made it in the final rounds of judging. There were hundreds of entries and I am honored to have been considered…


Drew this for a Masquerade Ball invitation. I tried to go digital with the coloring, but just didn’t like how it was turning out. So I used copic markers for the masquerade woman and went digital with the background. You…

Bad Hair Day

Drew this on a sketch card one day. I think I was having a very frizzy hair day at a convention and suddenly started thinking “It must suck if you’re a wookie and have a bad hair day”. Size: 2.5×3.5…

Princess Izta

So I was at Disneyland and the topic of Disney princesses came up – which is to be expected since you can’t turn a corner without seeing a Disney princess. But we always end up in the discussion of how…