Future Comic Character Concept Art

So I failed again at fully doing the Inktober challenge, but that is mostly due to me really wanting to work on a new comic story.

This story is a sci-fi story with a woman traveling the galaxy. And for many months I have been doing a ton of research and trying to decide how I wanted to write the story and certain elements in it.

Today I decided to toss around some concept art of one of the characters. The outfit will probably change, and this concept art is really mostly focused on the hair and if I want her to have makeup.

The one on the far left is much closer to the original concept. But debated if that would be practical for space. Then again…most of my favorite sci-fi movies/comics have characters with crazy hair styles and no one really says “That hair style wouldn’t work in space!”

What are your thoughts about their character? Like how you imagine the character sounding (deep, youthful, quiet voice, etc)?