I Doodle in the margins

Thought I would share with you the margin doodles I did today and kind of talk on this habit. 

I use to doodle in the margins a lot when I went to school. In my teens, teachers started asking us to submit the notes we took during their lecture. Sort of as a method to make sure we were listening and not goofing off. I got a fair amount of teachers that would look at my margin doodles and give me a low grade because they saw it as me goofing off. And it was hard for them to understand that this is how I listen and remembered things. 

These margin doodles are from my day job and the first section on the top is when we talked about keeping an eye out for big changes that are to come and be prepared to make updates when the time comes.
Second section was when we were discussing how we might have a slow period and how in that time we can maybe meet and maybe help foster a community atmosphere.
Third section was us discussing open and closing times for the office and when people would be in and how to tell others of our office closing hours.
Fourth section was asking and answering questions and solidifying what everyone in the office would be doing.

On the right side are written notes on the meeting, but I tend to forget subtle things when it’s just text. The images remind me how the people in the meeting felt when talking about certain sections or remind me how urgent certain projects are. 

I now have the luck of being able to talk to instructors. Occasionally I hear them complain about a student that doodles in class and how they’re not listening. I once showed someone the margin doodles I did during the meeting and what each section meant. Hopefully I opened the teacher’s eyes to how different people learn differently.