Dawn Wolf

Dawn Wolf

Conventions come and go

San Diego Comic Con is over, now it’s time to prepare for Dragon Con! Slowly I’m adding more Conventions to my list. Dragon Con was always one that I always heard good reviews about and a place that I was…


Heavily inspired by the Sphinx. Some of from the Egyptian, Greek, and Persian, but heavily based off of the statues of the statues in Paris.

The Return

“We’re almost home now, honey,” said the Aviatrix. “Will we see daddy?” her daughter asked. “Yes.” “Will we have to kill him?” “Yes. I think we will.” Writing by ~Clint Wolf

Te Amo

Something I drew and colored for the R.E.S.C.U. Foundation for the Renaissance Faire. Every year at the Southern California Renaissance Faire we have an auction. The money earned goes to Renaissance Faire workers that need help with medical or health…


This is what happens when I play too much Mass Effect and you let me draw something out of my own head.

Mechteld Geary

While drawing this I took a few reference images. The model is from ~RibbonsEnd-Stock, the background is loosely based on on the bobbin case in my sewing machine, and the pocket belt that I own from Blue Moon Design. Model:…

Disara’s False Confidence

Once again, I’m up until the late hours of the night drawing. This time I draw one of my favorite original characters, Disara Garrett. She has evolved over the years as my art style changed If you already know or…


So I’ve been playing a lot of World of Warcraft again on my Alliance guild. I play on an RP server and stood around RPing with a few guild mates in front of an instance while we waited for our…

On the Zombie Ranch

I am going through another zombie phase. First I thought of her being just a zombie hunter. But 3AM came around and my brain had crazy fantasies of this woman running a ranch of zombies.

Barbarian Warrior

The strange creature next to her, well…I created that while in the emergency room back in 2006 or 2007. This is what I create when I’m trying to ignore the pains in my side – that resulted in me having…

I’m Taking You With Me

I’m calling it done since it is going to be for sale at the San Diego Comic Convention in 2008. Why is she bleeding? Why is she shooting someone while falling miles to her doom? Where the hell are her…

Dragon Sign Sketches

These are some sketches for a commissioned project that I was working on for a booth at the Southern California’s Renaissance Pleasure Faire. They wanted a dragon head holding a sign for the top of their boot for visitors to…