Dawn Wolf

Dawn Wolf

Sweet Dreams

Second project from my Art Maker Circle workshop: Earth. I choose Secure, Rest, and Nourished.  You can watch me steam drawing this in my theartofdawn Twitch channel:

A Dash of Light

I joined the Art Maker Circle Workshop where for 4 weeks, every Monday, we get a new project theme to create. This project’s theme was “Shine Your Light” and I choose Stars & Golden from the theme list.

Shine Your Light

I have decided to sign up for an online workshop for creative individuals. This workshop is 4 weeks long and each week we get a theme that we are to draw, write a poem or song, take a photo, or…


I use to have a bubble eyed goldfish and chickens. An image in my mind of the two combined has been making me giggle all day. Mostly imagining it moving around like a chicken but those eyes wiggling around as…

Holiday Duckiecorn

Small sketch card drawing I drew for someone that bought a Duckiecorn pin on my Etsy store – if I have time, I try to add a doodle when I ship things out. I use to love drawing poinsettias because…

Patreon Backtracking on extra fees

Patreon has recently announced that they have heard our complaints and are returning to the normal way of charging the creators instead of the patrons.  Read their apology here: We messed up. We’re sorry, and we’re not rolling out the…

Patreon Fee Changes

Patreon has informed us that they’re planning to alter how you guys donate to us creators (read their post here).  Before, they have been taking 5% out of my earnings as payment for using Patreon. Starting December 18th they will…

Artistic Changes

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Inktober 3

I wasn’t able to ink sketch yesterday because I was drawing Zombie Ranch, so going to try to make up for it today. So this is Day 3 of the 31 drawings for Inktober.

Inktober 2017 Day 2

I am running a Call of Cthulhu game this Saturday, so expect a lot of weird monsters or Lovecraftian art for a little while. 

Inktober 2017 Day 1

It’s the first day of October and that means Inktober! So prepare yourself for a lot of sketches and inked drawings from me this month. Today’s sketch is inspired by La Llorona.

Zombie Ranch art Rest in Profit

Today’s Zombie Ranch comic is a sketch day due to us fighting colds and flu for so many weeks (first caught a cold, was better for a day and then caught the flu). As I still sit here sniffling, I…

Happy accident

I got some shrink film and decided to play with it today. I accidentally spilled some ink on one side and just decided to spill some more ink (bottom left) and try experimenting. Once the ink dried I sanded the…


Still working on what to call this. “Unicorn in Space”? “Unicorn Astronaut”? Hmmm…will have to think about it. But finally finished this yesterday. 

Flying Saucer

A catfish flying in his teacup on a flying saucer. You can get Shirts and prints of this art the following online stores: Redbubble T-public (good for shirts) 

WIP (Flying Saucer?)

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WIP (Untitled)

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