Dawn Wolf

Dawn Wolf

Art of Dawn website is down

________________________________________________ 2/28/2019 Update: artofdawn.com is back up! ____________________________________________ For those of you that go to Art of Dawn to see what events I’ll be going to, I’m here to warn you that the website is down. For those of you…

I play Drawception

I have been feeling better for the last couple of days, then I started to feel cruddy today. I play games to help me ignore when I feel icky and Clint has shown me the site drawception.com. I have become…

I Doodle in the margins

Thought I would share with you the margin doodles I did today and kind of talk on this habit.  I use to doodle in the margins a lot when I went to school. In my teens, teachers started asking us…

Future Comic Character Concept Art

So I failed again at fully doing the Inktober challenge, but that is mostly due to me really wanting to work on a new comic story. This story is a sci-fi story with a woman traveling the galaxy. And for…

WIP: Witch in training

Idea was to try to draw a Halloween card, but that all depends on how the coloring comes along. Still debating if I should move her hat to the right or add in a broom.

Inktober 2018

This year I am doing Inktober mostly in my Patreon. You don’t have to pay to view my inktober art but are welcome to do so if you wish to support me.Otherwise you can either visit or follow my Patreon.…

It Will Be Inktober Soon

Once a year I pull out a small sketchbook and attempt fill it with 31 ink drawings in the month of Octkber. And this year I will once again be posting my drawings on Patreon. We will see if I…


Her parents told everyone it was just a phase.  I kind of felt like drawing a cyber punk inspired drawing and ended up creating a character that goes by Phase.

Returning after a break

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WIP: Elegance

It has been sprayed to seal the paints and next is to trim it and frame it for the San Diego Comic Con Art Show.

Visit me at SDCC!

Clint and I will be at San Diego Comic Con 2019 from July 18-22. Like last year we will be in the Small Press Pavilion, but will be at a different table. This year we will be at booth N7.…

WIP: Critical Role Fan Art

Felt inspired to draw some fan art after watching the last episode of Critial Role. Decided to draw Jester and Caleb pressing their faces into the closed bookstore window trying to look inside. You can watch a clip of the…

Purple Worm sculpt

I’m a Dungeon Master for a D&D game and decided to sculpt and paint a Purple Worm for the game. I used Polymer Clay and Acrylic paints. Standing next to the worm is one of my player’s figurine of their…

Dead Earth

When I was a kid until I was 10 years old, I use to live in a house with 3 acres where we grew crops and raised farm animals on (chickens, goats, etc). My dad was raised a farmer, my…

What I’ve been working on

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Makeup & D&D

My husband joked around about how someone that makes nerd makeup should make a blush and call it Rogue Rouge. My writer friends always joke about about people misspelling Rogue so that they’re playing Rouges. But being the engineer that…

You’re Not the GM of Me

I play a lot of Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, and other tabletop RPGs. For a while I joked with my friends that I would design something that said “You’re not the DM of me”. Then I realized that…

Mexican Restaurant

Kitfox Games was hiring for a background artist for one of the games their working on, so I decided to apply. But I didn’t have any 2D background art similar to what they were asking for – or much background…