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Sketch: character expressions

I keep trying to doodle out character sketches on large sketchbook paper and I always don’t feel like the ideas flow easily. Give me a stickynote pad and I’ll sketch like a madman. I think it’s the “permission to make…

Sketching day

I emptied enough boxes to the point where I can have a small table out to doodle on. Hoping to have more cleared out so I can put my art table and stuff fully out.

November Update

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Inktober News

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Zombie Ranch page 426: Artist Talk

When Clint told me the idea he had for this page for Zombie Ranch and told me that Oscar would talk about his lemon tree I said “all that matters is that he remembers to hit the tree with a…

Car accident. I am okay

Those of you that read Zombie Ranch know that I was in a car accident a few weeks ago. I just want to let you all know that I am okay. The car is sadly not and was considered a…


(Realized that I hadn’t signed it on the canvas yet, so I did it digitally. Might alter the image when I sign the actual canvas and re-scan it.) One of the hardest things for me to do as an artist…

WIP: Scifi Market linework

The last couple of posts were of me trying out acrylic paints because I’ve been having a desire to paint again. Personally, I love oil paints, but don’t have the space to let oil paintings sit and dry without someone…

WIP: Alpacacorn

Okay, tested out some paints to decide what I want to get and it looks like the cheapo acrylic paints have lost the battle. Next is to work on the background some more and then color our alpacacorn Husband recomended…

WIP Unialpaca

I wanted to try out painting with acrylics again. Drew the underdrawing and now applying some sepia to outline some of the line work.

Zombie Ranch Song Sing-along

I quickly made this while I was busy making the Zombie Ranch Volume 2 Kickstarter Video. For those curious, the Kickstarter is coming very soon, good chance it will start this Friday. If you want to be notified when the…

Health update

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Character Sketch

Due to my health, I have been slowly working on the comic I’ve been wanting to create for a while. I’m farther along on it than I ever though I would, but the workaholic in me would prefer I had…

Art of Dawn website is down

________________________________________________ 2/28/2019 Update: is back up! ____________________________________________ For those of you that go to Art of Dawn to see what events I’ll be going to, I’m here to warn you that the website is down. For those of you…

I play Drawception

I have been feeling better for the last couple of days, then I started to feel cruddy today. I play games to help me ignore when I feel icky and Clint has shown me the site I have become…

I Doodle in the margins

Thought I would share with you the margin doodles I did today and kind of talk on this habit.  I use to doodle in the margins a lot when I went to school. In my teens, teachers started asking us…

Future Comic Character Concept Art

So I failed again at fully doing the Inktober challenge, but that is mostly due to me really wanting to work on a new comic story. This story is a sci-fi story with a woman traveling the galaxy. And for…

WIP: Witch in training

Idea was to try to draw a Halloween card, but that all depends on how the coloring comes along. Still debating if I should move her hat to the right or add in a broom.